EDITORIAL: Cecilie Lassen + Silas Bjerregaard. Creative Couple.

She’s a recognized ballet dancer, model, style icon, actress, TV-host – and all things creative in between. He’s a musician, the lead singer of Turboweekend and a prominent booker of other musical talents. Together, they form a creative couple, who’s been creating the art of love ever since they met on a blind date years ago. Today, they live with their son in the thriving neighborhood of Vesterbro, Copenhagen – the epicenter of cool cats and creatives. We met Cecilie and Silas on a sunny day in their beautiful backyard for a chat that ended up being nostalgic about the summer season and what the warm sunrays does to us.

What do you enjoy most about summer?
Cecilie: White nights and not having to pour my son into snow suits. The ease of it all. Going off radar to tune in to what is most important. The gift of time, as days seem longer, and energy levels rise.

Your summer plans?
Barcelona, Ibiza, and the family cabin in Heather Hills.

How do you best spend summer in the city?
Cecilie: We do playgrounds with kiddy pools and beach trips, and BBQ in the courtyard or on our balcony, with friends and neighbors. Copenhagen is a great city in the summer. There is so much to do for all ages, and easy access to a cool canal swim all over.
Silas: And you can bike everywhere, which just makes the city so accessible and lively.

Best things about the Danish summer?
Cecilie: Strawberries, new potatoes, koldskål (Danish summer treat), the light nights, the sea water, the changing colors of nature. The yellow rapeseed fields against the blue skies and the green beech trees.

What was your best summer childhood memory?
Cecilie: Snoozing on the beach under a parasol, with my head on my mum’s soft pillowy tummy, listening to the waves, the distant chatter of people and the sounds of seagulls circling… She puts a towel over me, and I doze off…
Silas: Taking the duvet out onto the lawn in our summer cabin with a walk man on, and a bunch of cassettes and a fantasy book.

What sounds do you associate with summer?
Cecilie: the above… and “Studenterkørsel” (A Danish high-school graduate tradition in June with students being driven around their cities in open vans, wearing graduation caps and celebrating their passed exams). Blackbirds chirping through the nights and buzzing bees throughout the days.
Silas: Someone shouting “Hvad’ så Roskildeeeeee?!” (”What’s up Roskildeeeeee) at Roskilde Festival.

What smells do you associate with summer?
Cecilie: The smell of salty sun warm skin and sun lotion – a total favorite – I wish it came as a linen scent.
Silas: Freshly cut grass and mosquito spray.

What tastes do you associate with summer?
Cecilie: Strawberries, watermelon, potatoes, fresh peas, anything BBQ, seafood, gammeldaws isvaffel (traditional Danish ice cream cone), Aperol, rygeost, and koldskål.
Silas: All fine choices 😊

Your go-to summer treat?
Cecilie: Wine at noon or a sneaky gammeldaws ice cream cone before noon.
Silas: Cold elderflower juice, snobrød with nutella (bread, baked on a stick over open fire).

Favorite vacation spot?
Cecilie: Barcelona seems to be our thing… we’ve been going a lot these past 9 years…
But I miss Italy. And for domestic vacation, Bornholm resembles the best DK summer to me!
Silas: Also, my parents recently acquired a really nice summer cabin in the north of Zealand where we’ve already been a couple of extended weekends this summer.

Describe your summer wardrobe?
Cecilie: Loose, quirky, practical, frustrated. I struggle. I like layering, I like oversized sweaters and coats, and I don’t like showing too much skin… so, when the temperature hits more than 20 degrees celsius my fashion sense gets a real challenge.
Silas: Shorts and a T-shirt, every day. Sometimes I even change the T-shirt.

Your soundtrack to the summer?
Jeg Kommer (Daimi)
Madness (Prince Buster)
The Beat Goes On (Buddy Rich)
The Boy From West Bronx (Future 3)
Santé (Stromae)
Multi Love (Unknown Mortal Orchestra)
Always In My Heart (Elias Rahbani)
6 Hjerter (Bisse)
Marble House (The Knife)
Void (Mantua)
Let It Happen (Tame Impala)
Søgte Mit Indre (Sanne Salomonsen)